Sunday, March 17, 2013

Warface, something wrong?

It seems like there are few things wrong with this game, though remember, its still a beta game. I'm sure at least 60-70% of those "bugs" will be fixed (hopefully) by Crytek. So what's so bad?

"Internet browser" game type

That's exacly what I started hating since Battlefield 3. I have no idea, why this would make the game better. It makes it just worse.

Trying to join a game, enjoy the game or ANYTHING connected with doing something in this through the browser is or bugged OR takes really long to do, while normal F2P shooters have at least small window menus. This one is fully written into the browser. I get its a new idea and they think it will be a good way to go. It's not. Hell no. Its too laggy and buggy to do anything in the browser, and loading a single menu takes too much time (like, after you finish a match). I really, REALLY prefer to download gigabytes of files to play an F2P title. It's just better. That could be a plus for some pepole, that it doesn't needs lots of downloading, but still, hate the browser game idea.

In that way, it's going to stay in browser, and won't be able to get full potential (like in worldwide contest) so quickly as other games, that aren't even worth it. It's not going to be for e-sports.

Grenades, knives, respawns, max players

This is where it really hurts. Max players. I know I said FFA is nice, but I was playing in 12 player server back then. I played some with 16 players.

Its chaos. Total chaos. Most of kills you will get there (or points, or both) are random. Pepole poping up from nowhere, claymores everywhere, campers, tons of grenades flying above your ears. Chaos. In that chaos you notice two things:

-16 players is way too much for FFA, but not enough for Plant the Bomb. 


- Respawns are placed almost randomly, some are in the middle of the maps!


Though that can be fixed. One more thing is about grenades. They have literally no feeling of throwing. They are too "arcade" even for such a game. Basically you throw a grenade like it'd be a javelin, but the trajectory of it seems more like a straight line with smooth ending. So kind of, you can't throw it through an obstacle and kill somebody, you need to hit the obstacle that's behind somebody. That's really not in place, even in Warface.

Knives. They're good but... Too slow. While 2 hits is enough to take down a player with "fast" attack, the secondary attack takes about.... 4 seconds? Maybe 3+ to hit somebody. It's ALOT of time in that kind of fast-placed action game. No chance on killing anyone with secondary attack of your knife.

Slide and prone


These 2 things get you in some real trouble sometimes. Most of the times I'm trying to slide somewhere, or I don't do it at all, or I get stopped wihout a reason and my character immediately gets up. That's annoying, since we wan't to be faster than our foes, right?

Prone (a bug from which I'm glad) doesn't really works so good as we'd think. Sometimes on really, really flat areas our soldier crouches, but doesn't go prone. He will if you'll move some on left or right, like there would be only some areas in the game to prone, no idea. I'm really glad this doesn't works, but sometimes it's useful, like on the maps with trains or to dodge somebody's grenade or bullets. May save your life not only once, if it won't be a buggy time.

No to recording

If you're going to play this game, and think you will record something or livestream it, be prepared for a shock. It works terrible!

The graphics are nice, true, doesn't seem to lag (over 100 fps wihout capturing devices) at all. But when you try to capture the game, or livestream it.... Lags, lags and lags. From 100 fps plus, it gets down to about 20 fps. You know what it means? Unplayable! Not sure what causes such lags, but as far as I know, even wihout capturing, your game slows down a bit, like it'd try not to get captured in any way. Why so shy Warface?

Poor server browser

I also noticed, that when you search for servers and you find yourself a server, sometimes you click "create" not join, because create is closer to the server's browser window. It's uncomfortable for users of Warface, and I think they should switch these 2 buttons with places, then the problem would be solved.

The server browser itself doesn't have a filter, which is annoying. You want to quicky join a server based on a gametype or map, you need to actually look on the player number than the name of the map or mode. There should be at least one simple filter, in which we can choose do we wan't full servers displayed.Or make it "forced" so we won't see full severs anymore. Such option should be implemented, especially to an F2P title like this.


That's all I've found in the game now. Of course there are some problems between connection, but its beta. There's a gap sometimes, or game won't respond on your "commands" if you click/mash the buttons really quick. I guess they know about this and they will fix this, after all, its Crytek. :)

Thanks for reading!

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