Monday, February 23, 2015

TOXIKK - the ultimate liar

This game is a joke on it's own.


 Early Access? I don't care. This is the biggest unbalanced piece of crap I've ever played in my life. Weapons are sluggish, they have no power overall, they feel like cheap plastic and accuracy.... If you aim you suck with majority of guns. How so?

 THERE'S A DELAY not only between your mouse button press but also bullet's trajectory. WHAT?! Basically guns shoot arrows and it's noticeable as hell! It's a really shitty game, if you start out with a pistol and someone has anything but pistol even with ONE shot your chances are uneven even if that person is a bit less skilled than you are. If that person has same skill as you do, you're done!

Oh no, not the movement!

Sluggish movement, it's VERY slow for "1999's" game. Level design with 2 actualy maps at the moment say one thing: camper friendly. It's BORN for camping and not being able to quickly evade or run away from fights. Nope. Being around movement system... The dev's either are stupid or can't decide what kind of game are they making. On space your character jumps max 5cm up. With DODGE (that has the most stupid doge system ever) or DASH it sounds now like you'd play some kind of Titanfall, you jump much more higher. Logic! You can bounce off only ONCE. ONCE. Basically every game that has doge/dash does that 10 times better than this game, even CoD AW (which im not a huge fan of).

It's not even near the Arena FPS kings!

There's alot of pepole comparing this game to Tribes or UT3 or 2004. What? What it has to do with these games? They are much better than what this is. It's not worth of even 5$ at the current state and it seems like it will never be worth it's price.

Maps are either too small or too big (There's 2 at the moment). When you play usual deathmatch with 4 players, it's ok, if it's more then watch out because you will respawn right near another player with a 1-shot 1 kill shotgun, while your shitty pistol that takes 5 seconds and covers 80% of your screen while cocking the weapon it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a kill. Moreover, in 1999 there was no 3-4 second spawn protection because spawns AND maps were made really good not so badly done like this one.

Another thing. The game is infested with hackers and noobs. How noobs? 1 shot 1 kill shotgun says it overall and all the other guns comparing to this one are useless on the maps that we have.

Liars and cheaters


"TOXIKK plays as if today's military shooters never existed" What? There's clear inspiration from cod and titanfall with dash done 200000000000x times worse than in those games.

"Designed as a spiritual successor to the FPS giants of the late 90s and early 2ks, TOXIKK carefully evolves their mechanics with modern technology and fresh ideas elaborated with Arena-FPS enthusiasts." - spiritual successor? More like an abomination! They took every single good thing that we've had in the 90's and broke them as much as they could. What the hell is this?!

"#1 FEATURES: Fast and precise movement" - No. Movement is really slow, and very unprecise. Characters feel like they'd have magnetic boots therefore couldn't jump more than 5cm and turn quickly enough. Also, when trying to bunnyhop, you will stutter. Another lies, thanks.

"#2 ALL PLAYERS ARE EQUAL. ALWAYS! After each death, you respawn with a melee weapon and a basic pistol." - especially if you have a pistol that shoots once a second and deals almost no damage vs one shot one kill shotgun. That's sooooo true I can't almost believe it!

And guess what? Cloak! It has cloak! Because! There's no reason to have it so here you go let's break your experience ASAP and make you wish this abomination would never be risen from the flesh of 90's arena FPS!

Right now this "game" is just and only one thing - an attempt to steal money from 90's pepole. It's terrible at best, and whatever does good, it immediately fails. Guns are unecessary big, POV is a joke in here, every single aspect is unbalanced and unfinished, even the walking mechanism, what-the-fuck-cloack system it feels sluggish, bad, terrible and has nothing to do with Arena FPS titles. Maps don't even look like arenas! They look like usual CoD maps!

Developers of TOXIKK (Reakktor Studios) are lying to you and trying to sell you their own excrements that happen to be the worlds worst abomination, while itching your memory of 90's arena shooters. Simply any shooter over this game is better, any (at this stage). I feel being lied to and cheated. I'm going back to UT 2004 and Tribes.

This is game is the worst way ever to spend your 20$.

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