Thursday, January 29, 2015

So wrong


I haven't been recording videos, posting on blog in a while. A while? A hell of a time. But I can't help returning here. Why? Because I live in Poland and it's the shittiest country to be innovative and use freedom of specch.

Yes, I tried to become a publicist for many game related sites. What occurs, they need to follow really stupid rules. You can't mention at the beginning about ANY flaws of tha game! What hell!? Instead you should start with... story. Seriously, a fu***g story for someone who had no ocassion to play the darn game yet! Also, you're spoiling it a bit right at the beginning! It's an outrage! What country am I living in? Where actual engine flaws and bugs are just minor issues for the game, and most imporant is the story. Why the heck I'd care if a story would be great, even super-duper awesome, if I couldn't complete the game or a mission, after 4 months of release, because it keeps Crashing to Desktop for no reason, looks ugly (because badly optimized, or a bad port), has FPS locked to 30 and so on... It's sick!

It is sick!

It is like giving free money for bad AAA titles. That kind of system is seriously flawed, and I would even go and say corrupted! It is called being corruped, or harrassed, because I think, personally, that they're afraid of speaking the truth right away about something because they won't give them free games anymore. Are you seriously worth nothing? That's being a real piece of sh*t there. Sorry for bulgarity, but it annoys me that in a (partially) "free world" you can't just say, hey this game runs like sh*t, but i has some nice story, yet don't buy it cause it will not run on your pc, or run terribly.

I am NOT going to stand with them in line, I won't ! Even if it means I will become unemployed. They are not the kind of pepole you want to look up to if they follow such stupid rules. They litreally make pre-order happen and push for early-access features, because they either don't say at all that game's flawed, or that they mention in between good sentences so it's not such a big of deal!

I'm done with that corporate BS. Had enough of them in my life ruining everything they can with simple rules and brainwashing pepole, that I call wh*res. Because they are, they will shut up and let you make the rules for some money. Polish Youtube and review sites are total garbage. NOT recommended and please STAY AWAY even if you don't know polish - it may infect you with some kind of censorship disease. More updaes coming soon.

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