Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Did Call of Duty killed FPS games market?

Shall we blame CoD?

   One day, I started playing Far Cry 3 multiplayer. I have noticed that nobody is playing other mode than Team Dathmatch. Moreover, everybody was whining that there's not too many maps to choose from. Why to play TDM, while you have player generated maps modes? Why?

FPS players = too dumb?

   I have seriously started to think of this. I may not have any kind of statistics, but I see how pepole behave. They always pick a weapon that's recoiless and most powerful, which means easy to use and overpowered. Almost nobody likes to move around these days, everybody sits in corner's waiting for a "noob" to show up. I don't remember players playing like that untill new CoD's came out.

"That game is not realistic!"


   I've heard that sentence in a game called: Red Orchestra 2. I was amazed. I had no idea that somebody would call this game unrealistic, especially on hardcore mode. Moreover, same person said, that setting your ironsights range, to be more accuarate at certain distances, is not real. Stunned. Where pepole get such ideas? Because they play CoD's? I am actually getting seriously worried right now. I had my own problems with Call of Duty games, but I'm over them. I see it as an mindless, extremely easy game. You don't need to think at all, its not even arcade anymore. Probably Duke Nukem 3D had more advanced engine than CoD's these days. What's going on? Do they want to make all the kids more stupid? To hold on their education and serve them how unrealistic things can be?

  You see, we always learn what's good or bad for us. But pepole are different. Some may like pancakes, some may not. Same goes about games. But being a huge fan of only 1 game franchise, and nothing else, is becoming a fanatic, and as we know, fanatics are mindless. They don't think, they don't care and don't follow any rules. They just defend what's holy to them. Thats what Activision bought from today's players. Fanatism.

"[...] Your mom! [...]


  Really now? You think you're a master of the internet? That you can change something? Sure, I don't like when somebody says bad things, especially when I have a bad day. All I'd wish for then, is that person would live next to me.... Because I hate stupidity.

  I won't say no, sometimes even I get high on my own anger. Anger and hatred. But not because somebody can't play, no. Because they're idiots. I don't like stupid persons. Humans should have brains. I'm not talking that somebody is not smart. I'd rather to help such pepole. I'm talking about, that there are pepole who know they can play normally, but they won't. That's something really stupid. They just show how dumb they are. That's what you want to be seen? As a really dumb person?

"Host migration in process"


  Oh no! They killed you, now you have very bad stats! You better leave the server immediately! Oh, you're the host! Well screw others, do it now! They will laugh if you don't!

  Okay, I don't remind myself, any kind of host migrations, or hosts leaving during any kind of game in previous years. Never enconquered that. In year 2013, I do every single day. What's wrong pepole? You make yourself a host just to disconnect and go eat something? Are you literally retarded? Or just your mother called you for dinner? You better think about being a host at the first place before doing it. If you're capable of thinking of course... When I'm a host, I'm sure I have AT LEAST one hour. AT LEAST. No matters what. Maybe you should start thinking too? Well I get it, there are some emergency situations, but not so many right?

Free to play FPS games

  That is our (old FPS/TPS/shooter's gamer) stick to hang on. In many various F2P FPS/TPS games, there are no situations like that. Sure there are some, but still not as many as in usual paid games. And you know what? F2P can be fun too! I enjoy playing Blacklight Retribution, Army Rage, Alliance of Valliant arms and more F2P games. They're not so bad afterall and you don't need to spend money to play them. Good? Of course. In some games though you'll need to spend money if you're not patient enough. Thankfully, I am. Are F2P titles our only hope these days?


 Is this all CoD's fault? Some of these "issues" are, that's true but not all of them. Some old FPS gamers are forced to play CoD's some just like it, but remember, the fault is at the side of parents - picking games that are rated M/18+ for their kids with 12 years. We'll never have influence on makers of the famous franchise, unless the young kids are still "buying" the games. Also main fault of Call of Duty is downgrading the level and experience from FPS gaming industry. Now everybody wants to be like them, so they want their games to be able to get compared with thier product. Not good, at all... We, the gamers, FPS players, hardcore gamers and more, if we're not fans of the CoD franchise, and we don't like that our younger gamers get more stupid, shall do something about this. Its actually mass society manipulation. But it seems like they've won this war... Counterattack?

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