Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Itch my Twitch!

Today I made an Twitch account  and thought, hell, quick setup and I'm in action.
So I've just turned on my Dead Island and started to have fun around. Then on my account I've noticed the quality kind of "sucks" at least comparing to whats really going on the screen. Though I see many advantages of using Twitch you know, you don't need to do commentaries all the time and still have fun, pepole watch you live etc. You also are sure that someone actually views your "work" or whatever you do.

Got 4 viewers. Yay. During 3hour session. Double yay. But you know what? I don't really care, I had fun playing DI like never before, it still amazes me but.... much, much dam later about that. :)

There are not going to be any screenshots from the game because you can watch it on twitch  just pick a random moment, I'm sure from those 3 hours you have maybe up 15-20 minutes of nothingness on the screen. Though blood's everywhere. What a good aspect...

I won't really write much about WHOLE DI here, there's going to be time for that but much later. Right now I don't play anything else but DI. At least since two days. It's been worth a while and I don't regret any minute. Amazingness.

So while I'm here I've noticed a thing that actually disturbs me these days. Not sure what changed, but when I was younger I had more joy from games. By meaning the games were better, had something that other games didn't, it sucked you in for hours and you were just like Kirby, opening your mouth and eat everything that stands on your way (actually on your screen... It was hard to suck on those huge monitors back then :) ). Even Wasteland or simple Bomberman, Mario gave fun. Is it so hard to make such a good game, or we have higher demans from producents? I'm not really sure, I don't actually demand graphics, but just the idea and nicely made overall "picture" of the game, framed with nice story and backed up with some funny or serious extras.

A good example here is.... Dungeons of Dredmor. Funny game with pixel graphic but still worh of attention and your time. It actually has no story (I think...) but even as a hack'n slash/rpg its really nice! Something just glues you to your chair and when you explore and dig futher into the world you don't want to go out. See, you actually can make a great video game when you have a low budget. There's lots of examples, but I think big companies aim at younger players these days. Kids.

No offence, though I've noticed in every multiplayer game someone who's seriously underaged. I know I'm underaged too, but being a 12 year old and playing lets say a Call of Duty ain't right. Not sure do parents care what their children do these days. Its rather a dark topic everywhere, but I think internet should be only for 15+ or higher. Because actually you DO take some of the responsibility of what you do on the internet. You're not alone, its like a huge sandbox.

You can actually really feel the amount of money that companies put into games. Lets say... Crytek and its latest Crysis 3. Were did the storyline go? It's not present... Though multiplayer is something, a little better, smoother and feels more balanced this time. But Crysis as an AAA title exists only to show the graphics, nothing more. Far Cry 3? Well that one actually has a cheap, but great story. Great just because its of the characters. I bought it.

Crysis however is still the same, no interactions, can't even get a closer look at some characters. Its just run and kill. With a nice graphic. Though, have I mentioned before that graphics in the games are the almost LAST thing I take a look in the games? It actually is the last thing. Well unless there are low-res textures in a game that should be HD. Skyrim anyone?

Glorious thoughs I need to say but you can't win with companies. Remember Bulletstorm? I bought it, and the advertisement they made with that "game" was something really big but... Their game is exactly (almost) what they criticized in it. Fail you can say. My demands for a game aren't really big, I want just a story and some fun, nice sound and you bought me. Take the graphic even from Gothic and you can already have even 200$ of mine for crappy collectors edition.  I'm more aware what I buy these days, because everything is wrapped in nice boxes, but remember, jewels are found between the chunks of coal. :)

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