Saturday, February 23, 2013

Free Black Ops 2 multiplayer weekend- how I see it?

 As you're reading this, please take a note that I like hardcore FPS games, realistic shooters or competitive games, where teamwork is needed or at least rewarded.

I played ALOT of Black Ops 2 multiplayer this weekend, and some on my guitar.
The experience at the beginning is different than in other CoD's but just for a few hours. When you play you realize that not everyone is faster than you, no, they're just jerkbags spreading and praying for their bullets to kill (at least on Hardcore mode).

I REALLY like the Kill Confirmed mode, especially on Hardcore. It make's me hype! Though explosions feel really WEAK in this game. You can compare it to Garrysmod standard explosive barrel explosion.. They shouldn't really name the mode, "Kill Confirmed" cause playing it feel like... Camp Confirmed. 80% of pepole (Kids?) don't even care about the main objective (aka collecting the dogtags) but just about killing everyone. Don't they have Team Deathmatch for that? Many also are camping like retards, every corner supporded with c4's, electronic shock knife crap, guardian... Sucks. The "society" sucks in this game.


I had times in this game where wihout even a sweat I could kill 3 enemies at Hardcore Kill Confirmed mode. Though sometimes ALWAYS pepole with lower ping kill me earlier. For this case I've join usual Kill Confirmed. Suprise! Ping you see in Black Ops 2 is not in [ms]! Its at least at [ms*5]. On every killcam I saw "myself" earlier than I've seen on my screen even in open areas after respawn and on. Sometimes even 1,5 second later. That's really bad, I never had such issues with ping. Could that be just serverside bug?


 Black Ops on max settings 40-50 fps. Black Ops 2 40-60, mostly 60. Seen 40 ONLY in Ground War with massive airstrikes. Treyarch, you earned a medal for that... Now fix the Black Ops will you? Then fix Black Ops 2 connection issues.


They're just wrong.... When I saw some maps, first thought I had was "Those maps look like they're designed for campers." and I bet they are. There's alot, ridiculous places to hide for those dam kidos. I don't say total no to camping, but for me, it shall be used only for snipers. Every single map has just ALOT places to camp around. I've seen those fanboy kids camping in every probable corner of this game. Take a note that I played for about 8 hours. Ridiculous...

Sniper rifles and other weapons

These are the most unuseful guns EVER in the game. At least for someone thats quick and has some good accuracy. Hell, pistols (in hardcore modes) seem to be the most powerful weapons in the game! Why? Because Treyarch knew their main target are kids and they need sometime overpowered like... Like high-cap magazine, rapid firing fully automatic swift handguns! Its not really cool to leave your game unbalanced. I mean, fine if there'd be a Desert Eagle that kills in 1-2 shots, but 9mm handgun that kills you with one shot in your feet? Please.... Tell me, did anyone from Treyarch held a REAL gun in his arms? Or at least ASG gun? Or a paintball marker? Or I don't know, a nerf gun? Really Treyarch, really?


NEW ONES YEAH! Yes. They ARE awesome. (Hellstorm missile!, bots, robots, WARTHOG OH HELL YES) They literally kick ass, get crap out of your bottom and rub it on your face. Awesome. But still, its only a killstreak. I find them really nice so finally there's a real need to get one. I also find some killstreaks old and not so fun (emp or K9. Just drop that idea). The most crappy and usless killstreak for me is the UAV. Come on, were in future, such UAV should have same sensors as a dam satelite or SR 71 Blackbird from previous Black Ops. They should really consider pulling it out from the game, especially because its FUTURE. FUTURE. I don't want to see a damn M240 SAW in the future! NO! Thats a no Treyarch. But I don't mind Warthog's they're really lethal but.... In future they'd have no right to exist. They're way too slow for future weapons. Sad.

Weapon customization/inventory

Actually I fell in love in one thing in the game. Weapon customization. Finally I can throw away my secondary weapons to get more attachments to my primary weapon! But.... why those "secondary perks" take a place in our inventory? That sucks. That was an irony about attachments. It's SICK to make place in inventory for attachments? What the f***k a secondary weapon, or a perk has to do with attachments on your damn weapon? Do a real soldier has only 10 mini pockets or something? I don't think so, but I understand that they REALLY wanted to make a game that IS a game. Though in my opinion, that kind of inventory/perk/attachment/and so on system should be used ONLY in core. On Hardcore it should be more realistic, like, attachments should take the place on the weapon like rails, barrels (silencer/sound suppressors, flash suppressors etc.) magazines. Just like in Ghost Recon Future Soldier, you customize your weapon in the way YOU want wihout restictions to up to 2 attachments or such crazy things. That would make playing way better, and make your weapon a MONSTER. Just saying that there should be 2 seperate "inventory' systems for core and HC.
Still, it works out just great for core, because you make your own almost unique loadout. I think It's also amazing for any kind of tournaments or big e-sport events.

I won't even write about every campers little helpers like those pesky mines or claymores and other crap. Yes they're in game so they shall use it. Fine. As long they're snipers. Some equipment shall be resticted ONLY if someone uses a sniper rifle. Period.

So, how is it?

Final verdict.Is it positive or not? Well I haven't mentioned bugs yet. There's LOTS of bugs (not just texure/graphical ones). It sometimes feel like I'm playing a beta. Shame on you Treyarch... I never have been so happy because I haven't bought an FPS game. One huge disappointment thats what I felt after Black Ops 2.  Sure their main target are the consoles, but does that leave their hands free from updating bugs on a PC version? I get that there's no recoil in guns or trajectories of bullets in game JUST BECAUSE of consoles. So.... Is that only a crappy port to PC? Or they're too lazy to change ANYTHING in their engine. I find CoD 2 graphics way better by the way. Still its THE SAME ENGINE. It's a wakeup call for Activision. Or not. Kids (Or shall I say, their parents) will buy every single cod until his neighbour or friends will stop playing it. Parents, you've failed rising your children.
Though if you like playing wihout any realism (probably because you're not a "hardcore" FPS gamer or lover) its a game probably for you. You might have slight bad moments, specially at the beginning but its for you. All of the CoD's are for you, because there's no teamwork in this game. You need to discover everything by yourself, and that's why, counting the killstreaks,campers,bugs,connection problems and unbalanced weaponry, this game is right for you to start your journey with First Person Shooters. See you in the (Battle)field!

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