Monday, February 4, 2013

Long update

2 days of installing a game. 2 days! What game could that be you may ask? Well, I have a nice picture of it to show you:

If you know what it is,  you will also probably why I needed so much time installing this (enplczru version, yeah...). Will it ever be in my videos/playthroughs? Well no idea. Right now with mods it runs about 30 fps so not really sure.

If we're talking about updates, what next you will find (soon) on my channel? Theres a hot version of a game thats about... not letting yourself to get digestion problems. More like starving I could say. Have a guess what it is? :) There will be maybe much videos about it, but don't really expect it to include some EXPLOSIONS cause this game lacks them.... I'LL PUT SOME THEN!

 Also, something totally unexpected is coming here too, not sure should I say what. I can say this game has SICK skill tree, BLOOD, BODIES AND MAGIC. That's some real satanistic stuff. EVEN BLACK MAGIC YEAH! PoE. Give it a guess. EXPLOSIONS THIS TIME ARE INCLUDED!

More, more, more, more and more things to come. Explsions? YES!

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